Cedar Key News


Hotly Contested Elections in May

Jim Hoy

Six candidates have filed for three seats that will be available in May for City Commission. In addition, the incumbent chair of the Cedar Key Special Water District has been challenged.

Regarding the City Commission seats: Incumbent Commissioner Heath Davis faces Marguerite Van Landingham for Seat Number 1, Judith Drake faces Pat O`Neal for Seat Number 3 and Incumbent Commissioner Sue Colson faces Glenda Richburg for Seat Number 5. The upcoming election is in contrast to the 2004 election when now-Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver and Commissioner Vannessa Edmunds ran unopposed.

Incumbent Water and Sewer District Board member Thelma McCain, who has been in office for seventeen years, has been challenged by Jeff Dwyer. That election includes as voters all residents of the Water and Sewer District regardless of whether they live within the city limits.

Fire protection for residents in the Piney Point area may become an issue in the Water District election.