Cedar Key News


CRA Under Attack

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Commission held a special meeting April 26 to plan for the May 3 election, notify expiration of the building moratorium and respond to proposed legislation that would impact community redevelopment.

After the second reading of an ordinance designation the City Clerk as Supervisor of Elections, the Commission took action to extend the current building moratorium for six months, with expectation that several clauses deemed unnecessary be deleted at the first reading of the ordinance May 17. The motion to extend the moratorium was made by Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds and seconded by Commissioner Sue Colson. The motion passed four to one, with Commissioner Ken Daniel casting the dissenting vote.

The potential threat of legislation that would damage community redevelopment funding became an emergency item on the agenda. House Bill 1521 has moved from committee to the House of Representatives. (The details may be read in an announcement posted elsewhere in Cedar Key News.) The need to oppose this legislation was endorsed by the Commission, with a request that Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver communicate the opposition to Representative Will Kendrick. Furthermore, citizens are encouraged to contact Representative Kendrick by telephone at 850-488-7870.