Cedar Key News


Missing Beer Evidence of Felony

Jim Hoy

A verbal dispute on Second Street escalated late Monday evening July 18, and resulted in a Cedar Key man being charged with throwing a deadly missile. According to a police report, Jesaiah McNulty, 24, threw a bottle of beer at a truck driven by Chad Rains, smashing the driver side window.

Rains and two passengers in his truck, Hunter Brown and Krystal Harvey said that McNulty had thrown the bottle. Their stories were supported by Jeanmarie Long who provided evidence in support of Rains' account of the incident. The arresting officer had observed McNulty purchase a twelve pack of beer minutes prior to the incident. After the incident one bottle was missing from the package, but McNulty offered no explanation for the missing bottle. McNulty was taken to the Levy County Jail, charged with shooting into or throwing a deadly missile (at a vehicle.)