Cedar Key News


Commission Appoints Chief

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Commission appointed a replacement for departing Police Chief Dan Swogger, took steps toward an improved hurricane warning system and initiated research on the use of Community Redevelopment funds to provide a buffer zone between the current Aquaculture Association parking area on Hodges Avenue and an adjacent residential lot.

With Police Chief Swogger leaving September 11, the Commission moved to promote Bubba Castell from reserve status to Police Chief. Castell, a former Chief in Cedar Key, and predecessor to Swogger, comes highly recommended by Swogger. He lives in Cedar Key and is familiar with all of the current police officers. In his parting remarks before the Commission, Chief Swogger said that his three and one half years in Cedar Key had been a lot of fun. He added that his officers know and respect the newly appointed chief. Swogger also asked the Commission to consider sending an officer to Louisiana for seven days to help with the recovery efforts.

Hurricane preparedness then became the topic of discussion. The Cedar Key Volunteer Fire Department has recommended a warning horn as a replacement for department personnel touring the island with a public address system when evacuation is to be done. Also, evacuation and reentry protocols are being revised.

Mike Hodges, President of the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association (CKAA), addressed the Commission regarding plans for the CKAA parking area at the corner of Hodges Avenue and Gulf Boulevard. A USDA Rural Development grant will pay for two adjacent sixty-two foot lots. The Commission was asked to use Community Redevelopment funds to purchase a third lot as a buffer between the parking area and a residential lot on the west side. The Commission decided to research the use of CRA funds for the proposed buffer zone.