Cedar Key News


Commission Does Housekeeping

Jim Hoy

Housekeeping items accounted for most of the agenda of the November 1 City Commission meeting. Enforcement of the parking ordinance, renewal of the services of Cedar Key News, adoption of the CRA budget, finalizing a zoning change and Commissioners' reports were addressed.

Catherine Woodward, representing Bruce Wilson, asked that a parking ordinance limiting R-V parking be enforced or that R-V park owner Wilson be given a tax break for loss of revenue during festivals. However, the parking ordinance exempts all festival exhibitors from parking fees.

The Commission approved continued publication of city notices and archiving of meeting minutes by Cedar Key News, with the added future approval of renewal at the discretion of the City Clerk.

In other business, the Community Redevelopment Agency budget was approved and the zoning change of Cemetery Point from residential to recreational was finalized with the second reading of Ordinance 289. Also, the Commission discussed overdue payment of dock rent, access to storm drains and removal of Transfer of Development Rights from the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations. Future action is required on those issues. Commissioner Pat O'Neal was directed to draft Administrative Rules that will discourage misuse of passes at the boat launch.

The temporary moratorium on multiple zoning actions expires November 19. Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds recommended appointment of a committee to facilitate extension of the moratorium, with due consideration for ending the moratorium as soon as the Comprehensive Plan revision is finished.

Greg Lang, Chair of the Local Planning Agency, reported that delays by the planning consultants are being addressed. Furthermore, he recommended that payment to the consultants be withheld as an incentive for timely service.

Two quasijdicial hearings resulted in approval of a three lot subdivision on Gulf Boulevard and permission to move a 93 year old house from 209 Third Street to Seventh Street between G and H Streets.