Cedar Key News


Who Wants to Do Raku?

Jim Hoy

Henry and Amy Gernhardt, local potters, invited prospective potters to their studio for an open house December 4. Hands-on experience in the art of glazing a pot drew a crowd. The Gernhardts provided unglazed pots with instructions to each visitor on how to select and apply a glaze. Henry then gave the pots their second firing which fixed the glaze and revealed the magic of the kiln. At the end of the party a traveling trophy was awarded to the most enthusiastic raku artist, namely, Ridley Reynolds.

Blank pots before glaze application.

A glazed pot ready to be fired.

Pots drying on top of the kiln prior to firing.

Pots ready to be removed from kiln.

A finnished pot, cooling.

Proud potters, Ridley and Cloe Reynolds.