Cedar Key News


Sturmer honored by CKAA

Jim Hoy

Chris Taiani and Leslie Sturmer-Taiani with awards. Leslie holds her trophy.

Leslie Sturmer-Taiani received recognition for "tireless devotion and commitment to the clam industry," at the semi-annual general membership meeting of the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association June 15. She was given a crystal trophy attesting to her work. She and her husband, Chris Taiani, also received two framed photographs of Cedar Key scenes for their contributions to the success of the clamming industry in Cedar Key. Chris Taiani was a trainer in the program that brought clam farming to town. The photographs are the work of Carlton Ward, a well-known artist.

The CKAA meeting featured a bar-b-que dinner, information booths and a review of the association's activity. The CKAA defends water quality, promotes clam marketing and lobbies for government and private programs that benefit the clammers.