Cedar Key News


Young Adult Books Are Available In Local Library

Bonnie Tollefson, Director, Levy County Public Library System

Community Libraries in Caring grant has provided more books for young adults in Levy County. A Young Adult shelf or area has been established at each library branch of the Levy County Public Library System.

As a general rule the Young Adult classification is designed for readers age 13 to 17. The books have a more complex literary structure and a wider vocabulary than the books classified as Juvenile. The books tend to be written about issues that teens face in their lives whether in the school, home or community setting. Emotions are felt intensely at this age and these books can help provide the wisdom and experience to cope successfully with life.

The grant also funded a collection of the books nominated for this year`s Sunshine State Young Reader award for grades 3 thru 8 as well as the nominees for the new Florida Teens Read Award for grades 9-12.

Visit your library today and ask the Librarian to show you the books purchased with the Community Libraries in Caring grant for 2005-2006 and watch for more teen programming coming this fall.