Cedar Key News


Skyrocketing Property Taxes

Letters to the Editor

"I am writing as a concerned citizen and property owner in Cedar Key. I am appalled at the skyrocketing property taxes and believe that we should all get involved in this issue. My taxes are proposed to increase by over $4,378 in one year (an increase of over 38%) on a small house (1,180 square feet) and property. The year before that the taxes increased by 29%. The proposed taxes are unfair and for several years now have far exceeded the appreciation of the property. It appears that much of Levy county is trying to exist on the backs of those that own homes and property in Cedar Key.

I do not currently homestead my house in Cedar Key but I should not be punished for that. My husband and I own a home in Gainesville and have been saving up for over 30 years to be able to afford a small place in Cedar Key where we could eventually retire. We have been fishing and visiting in Cedar Key for all of our life and have contributed much to the city for many years by renting local places, buying food in restaurants and the grocery store, as well as many other places in town. We really care about the town and the people who live there. The taxes just take away money from the town that could otherwise have been spent in local establishments.

The taxes also make it hard for anyone that does want to sell any property - including people who have lived there for some time. Cedar Key in now known throughout the state and beyond as a very expensive place to have property - primarily because of the taxes. Even people that buy a home planning to homestead balk at the property taxes they will start with. And.. the services provide to this city do not justify this level of taxes.

I will close by saying that I could understand an increase in taxes that would be larger than the 3% enjoyed by those that homestead but 30% to over 100% (proposed for one of my friends that recently built a home) is totally unfair - I would even suggest criminal. I ask any of you that are concerned by this issue to please get involved."

Paula Varnes Fussell