Cedar Key News


Commission to Consider Settling Suit

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Commission met September 28 in closed session with legal counsel to discuss pending litigation. The Commission received advice in the matter of Meade, Sensenig and Buck versus City of Cedar Key.

Upon returning to open session, Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver announced that a previously cancelled Commission meeting on October 3 will be held October 3 at 7:00 PM. At that meeting the Commission will discuss and select one of two proposed settlement packages.

The Meade, Sensenig and Buck law suit stems from requests by James Meade and Carl Sensenig for building permits in July, 2003. The crucial issue has been the interpretation of a Comprehensive Plan map designating certain lots as being in a Conservation Zone.

According to Levy County records, Meade purchased his lot in 1993 for $60,000. Sensenig purchased his lot in 1996 for $35,000 and Buck purchased his lot in 2001 as a part of a residential property. The lots are currently assessed at $300,000, 246,500 and 101,500 respectively. However, the assessed values may not take into consideration that the lots are in a Conservation Zone.