Cedar Key News


Wildlife Refuge Open House

Jim Hoy

The staff and friends of the Lower Suwannee & Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge held an open house Saturday, February 23. The featured speaker of the day was Capt. Miami Beach native Capt. Dan Kipnis. A Florida Cracker cook-out followed Kipnis' talk. After lunch the refuge staff led a variety of nature and educational tours of the grounds.

Capt. Dan Kipnis delivering a well illustrated talk on global warming.

Capt. Kipnis gave an informative and impassioned warning of the effects of global warming on Florida and the world's oceans. He explained the effects of increasing water temperature and acidity on coral ecosystems, fisheries and hurricanes. As a charter fishing captain he had become aware of the global warming problem and now devotes many days a year to speaking on the subject.

Ken McCain putting the finnishing touch on his bar-b-qued chicken.

The cook-out was carried out under the direction of Refuge Law Enforcement Officer Chef Ken McCain. Chicken, ribs and fixins were greatly appreciated by the sixty-plus guests of the day.