Cedar Key News


Living in the Rainforest


Judy and Dan Dourson will present a program on "Living in the Rainforest - the Natural History of Belize" on Thursday, November 20 at 5 p.m. at the Cedar Key Public Library. You will want to see their spectacular photos of a variety of birds, reptiles mammals and plants in their natural habitats.

For much of the year, the Doursons live in southern Belize, where they are on the staff of the Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE), a non-profit organization which assists the government of Belize in the management and conservation of the country`s rainforests.

Judy Dourson is the Educational Director of BFREE, and Dan is the Resident Biologist. While the organization focuses on providing educational and research opportunities for high school and college groups, individualized internships also are available to those who wish to learn about the rainforest and its spectacular species up close through on-going research projects.

This program is free and open to the public.