Cedar Key News


Another Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Gainesville, Florida

Thank you for including with the April 16 issue of your newspaper the insert entitled, $7 Million Per Day to Israel Hurts Everyone--Especially Americans.

I visited Cedar Key for the first time this past weekend, the weekend of the Old Florida Celebration Of the Arts. I worked as a pedicab driver for Cedar Keys Rickshaw.

Like most of us who have grown up in our Judeo-Christian society, I believed that Israel was God`s special nation, that it enjoyed his favor and that we should always support Israel. I think that these beliefs have come primarily from reading and from hearing read from pulpits the Christian Bible.

Over many years, mostly through reading and listening to news reports, I have become convinced that the modern state of Israel--like our nation--is a rogue nation that has been committing many abuses.

The inclusion in your newspaper of the insert on Israel has provided to your readership many, disturbing yet little-known facts about the abuses of Israel and our nation`s enabling of those abuses. The insert also has provided the address of an outstanding Internet site--www.IfAmericansKnew.org, that provides a comprehensive and ongoing account of those abuses and our nation`s support of them. Your newspaper has brought us a little closer to the day when Israel and our nation respects the sovereignties and rights to self-determination of all nations and peoples.

Thank you again.

Very Sincerely,

Mark Venzke