Cedar Key News


City is Updating "Evacuation Special Needs" List


2009 Hurricane Season
Emergency Evacuation Special Needs

It`s that time of the year again. Hurricane season is here. Cedar Key Emergency Services maintains a list of our local residents who may need assistance during an emergency evacuation. It`s time for us to update this list and assure all those with special needs are listed and your information is correct. These needs could range from having no transportation to needing a medical care facility.

If you or a loved one is in need of assistance during an evacuation, please contact one of the following with a name, address, phone number and assistance needed. We would like to complete this list as soon as possible. Please feel free and we encourage you to contact us with your special needs.

Cedar Key Fire Department
Address: P.O. Box 128
Phone 352-543-5192
Cedar Key, Fl 32625
E-mail cedarkeyfire@bellsouth.net

Cedar Key Police Department
Phone 352-543-5180
E-mail cedarkeypd@yahoo.com

City Hall
Phone 352-5435132

Thank You,
Robert Robinson
Cedar Key Fire