Cedar Key News


SHINE Reps Will Answer Medicare Questions


Do You Have Questions
About Medicare?

Do you have questions about Medicare or Medicare/Medicaid,
Supplemental Insurance, Part D Prescription Drug Plans, or Medicare Billings?

If you do, come see SHINE, a volunteer program with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs for one-on-one counseling. SHINE provides free, unbiased and confidential assistance. If you cannot come to a site or want to know a site close to you, call the Elder Helpline at 1-800-262-2243.

Meetings will take place in Cedar Key in November and December. The November site meeting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 4 to 6 p.m.

The December site meeting will take place on Monday, Dec. 14 from 10 a.m. to Noon. No appointment is needed for these sessions, which will take place in the upstairs meeting room at the Cedar Key Public Library.

For any questions regarding your Medicare benefits, please call the Elder Helpline at 1-800-262-2243, and a SHINE counselor will be happy to help you over the phone.