Cedar Key News


Faces of the Seafood Festival Parade

Staff Fotografer

Even witches have to make a phone call now and then.

Our Mayor Sue Colson transformed into a dancing Seminole woman.

Linda Seyfert was a dancing tree.

Snickerdoodle is ready for Christmas.

"The Recyclables" (Gina Stefani, Eileen Bowers, Nancy Bell, Cindy Leiner)

A wild crew of pirates included Ross & Dawn Buck.

Molly Brown's all set for Christmas giving.

Dixie County's Drum Major kept her band members in step.

Honorary Cedar Key resident Ivan Chubb, a member of the Marine Corps League.

Harold McCain drove the Fire/Rescue boat.

More pirates: Dre Englert and Carol Sakellarios.

The Doty Cousins, Bailey and Quinton loved their candy.

Sally Fortner and Patty Jett dressed in their finest.

Dixie County drummers.