Cedar Key News


Westling Baby Announcement


Jennifer, Jerret and Brendan Westling

Look Who`s Here!
Brendan Michael Westling

Brendan was born May 20, 2010 at the US Naval Hospital in Naples, Italy. He was 7.2 pounds and 19.5" long.

Proud parents are Jerret and Jennifer Westling, both graduates of Cedar Key High School.

Grandparents are Kenny and "Nana" Vicky Dibell and Paul and "Nana" Natalie Westling of Cedar Key.

Jerret Westling of the US Navy and his expectant wife Jennifer were stationed in Naples, Italy before Jerret was deployed to Djibouti, Africa. He returned to Italy on leave, the day before Brendan arrived and was able to spen several days with his family and newborn son before he had to return to Africa for the last few months of his deployment. Jennifer and Brendan are both doing well and enjoying spending time together, but they are anxiously awaiting Jerret`s return.