Cedar Key News


Fix the Bridges!


Loyal readers of Cedar News will recall past editorials that called attention to the dangerous condition of three bridges in Cedar Key. Annual inspections of the bridges have consistently documented the poor condition of the two bridges on Airport Road and the C Street Bridge that leads to Dock Street. The State of Florida is responsible for finding bridges that are unsafe. Who will fix the ones that are unsafe?

The longer of the two bridges on Airport Road has deteriorated so much that exposed reinforcing rods hang down into the waterway. Boat passengers are endangered as well as bridge traffic. The concrete guard rails of the bridge collapsed years ago and were finally replaced by Levy County in 2010. That was long after bridge inspectors had found the bridge to be substandard. However, that bridge is better off than the C Street Bridge which has a poorer rating than the one that collapsed in Minneapolis in the recent past.

An April Fool`s Day article in 2010 that reported the collapse of the Airport Road Bridge caused alarm and was taken seriously by many readers. That is testimony to the widespread awareness of the poor condition of the bridge. Does that have to be reality before the bridge is fixed?

Failure of the C Street Bridge would destroy the businesses on Dock Street even if no lives were lost . Furthermore, collapse of the C Street Bridge would block the use of the City Marina, causing more damage to our tourist income.

In the near future there may be federal funds available to fix our substandard bridges. But someone needs to speak up. Our County Commissioners, Congressional Representative and U.S. Senators can help us if we ask. The safety and economy for Cedar Key is at risk. Many readers will recall the four-year delay in replacing the hurricane damaged fishing pier. Letters, emails and telephone calls to our government officials can get action. But the requests for help must be made.

Richard Nugent - US Representative Florida District 5
Phone: (352) 799-8354 Brooksville FL
Phone: (202) 225-1002 Washington DC
email: https://nugent.house.gov/contact-me/email-me

US Senators:
Bill Nelson
(202) 224-5274

Marco Rubio
(202) 224-3041

Levy County Commissioners