Cedar Key News


Public Educational Presentation At Library

Jay Bushnell

"Climate change research on salt marsh and estuarine communities in the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge"
October 27th 5:00 PM @ Cedar Key Library

Sponsored by the Friends of the Lower Suwannee & Cedar Keys NWR

A team of researchers with the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Florida will describe their research in the Lower Suwannee NWR estuary for the last 2 years.
H. F. Percival, W.M. Kitchens, M.S. Allen, C. Zweig, and M. Desa are using a combination of small mammal, salt marsh, fisheries and regional climate data to understand current population patterns and how climate change may affect the system.

They will also describe how they are establishing baseline vegetation information to better evaluate any climate changes. Because of the Suwannee River`s discharge effect on the fisheries, they will monitor various river flow scenarios as to fishery estuary health.