Cedar Key News


Rusty Rim and Coconuts Employees Recieve Help from Workforce Connection


Here is an update on our REACT at the Cedar Key Library Thursday to help those affected by the restaurant fires.

Kevin Harrison reports that when he and Linda Keyton, our Levy County HR Recruitment Specialist, arrived at the library, there were 15 displaced workers already waiting for them.

Throughout the morning, the two distributed Unemployment Compensation Claim information and 19 information packets. Kevin and Linda provided one-on-one assistance to seven individuals - because the MRU is equipped with four computer stations, three additional laptops were placed in use on the second floor of the library. Kevin also said the librarian, Molly, was very helpful and even blocked off parking in front of the library for the MRU.

By noon, the workers headed over to the restaurant to help with clean up work. No other workers dropped by, so Kevin and Linda went to the restaurant to remind the staff of the requirements for filing claims and reiterated that Workforce Connection is available to assist. Kevin said they were told the workers were "all okay."

Our Job Seeker services are available at no charge and there is a wealth of resources as well as staff support at our center in Chiefland, 109 NW 3rd Ave. Also, we have a full calendar of free workshops and clinics posted on our website, www.clmworkforce.com. We also encourage job seekers to follow us on Twitter @WorkforceCLM to get the latest job alerts and information.

Thank you for your interest,