Cedar Key News



Mandy Offerle

The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 6PM, at City Hall. Commissioner Feigin was not in attendance. The meeting`s agenda contained ten sections. The meeting adjourned at 8:30PM and was followed by a brief City Budget Meeting in which a tentative millage rate was to be set.

In the meeting`s Public Comments Section, Commissioner Sue Colson announced that the dental bus had come to Cedar Key earlier in the month, screened 71 individuals, served 68 of them, and completed approximately $15,000 worth of dental work. Plans are to have this most successful venture repeated next year.

The Administrative Section contained two items. Approval was granted to retain former Mayor Pat O`Neal as Cedar Key`s representative to the North Florida Broadband Authority (NFBA). O`Neal disseminated a NFBA Network Deployment Progress map citing completed work and work in progress.

Discussion to consider reinstating a utility tax resulted in the commission directing Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate to investigate the legal requirements of reinstating the tax. Fugate advised that such a tax could not be instituted before January 2013 because of the Florida`s filing and approval policies and schedules; all necessary city-level paperwork and public readings would have to be completed by September 1, 2012, in order to meet the January date.

Commissioner Hodges stated that the city should be searching for dollars now; Commission Colson advised researching the issue now; Commissioner Dennison stated his belief that the issue is premature.

In the Clerk`s Office Section, minutes taken at the July 19, June29, and July 3, 2012 meetings were approved. Deputy Clerk Teresa George reported that the QuickBooks Financial System is progressing well enough to expect that the system be completely in place by the new fiscal year`s start date of October 1, 2012.

In the City Attorney Section, Fugate presented his activity report; its content generated no questions. Energy grant projects for heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and insulation, are contingent upon state approval for minor changes in grant allocations; Fugate`s office is preparing contracts for construction.

The Emergency Management Fire Department Section involved four items. The Fire Department`s Activity Report generated no questions. The request to assign Commissioner Feigin authority to decide removal of docks during storms was negated; all commissioners affirmed their great satisfaction and retention of all emergency management decisions with Fire Chief Robert Robinson. Potable water distribution, necessitated by salt water intrusion into the city`s wells, has shifted to the Water and Sewer Office. Robinson reported that the water`s salinity level, while still not up to drinking standards, has lessened. Robinson received approval to begin planning and seek funds for the city`s July 4, 2013, fireworks celebration.

The Police Department`s Chief Virgil Sandlin announced that his department, with assistance from other agencies outside of the city, arrested four individuals for manufacturing and trafficking in methamphetamines. The small audience and the commission applauded.

The agenda`s Public Works Section included six items. Bruce Wilson`s request for additional leased space for an ice machine was tabled. Dr. Earl Starnes` request for a streetlight at Shellcrest Avenue resulted in: the transfer of the streetlight at Colson`s dead end street, with the approval of a neighbor, to the requested site; Dr. Starnes volunteering to finance half of the cost. The Second Street streetlight request was eliminated because the Baptist Church has installed lighting on its buildings. Commissioner Dennison referred to the 2008 study he and the Florida Electrical Cooperative completed which resulted in the design the city`s current lighting system. The current city policy articulating rental of marina slips states that only one person or one business may rent a slip; this policy was delegated to Attorney Fugate to alter it so that it reads that after all slip requests by individuals or businesses having no slip space are accommodated, businesses or individuals may request additional slip(s). Greg Lang requested a possible workshop date to discuss the Marina Improvements Grant; the meeting will be held on September 4, 2012. Information concerning the State Road 24 sidewalk project is not expected until the end of July.

The Community Center improvements discussion included: the fact that the doors are hung and the freezer purchased; outer lighting, sound system, projector, and various kitchen items have been budgeted, but the commission halted their purchase due concerns about the stove currently in the facility. The stove is not equipped with the necessary safety mechanisms. As the center is rented from July 19 to July 22, 2012, Manager Josh Wilson was directed to: rent a safe stove and install it immediately for the renters; investigate the price of a safe new or used stove for permanent replacement. Wilson was further authorized to purchase a safe stove if it cost under $3000. Wilson was further requested to prepare an update of the Community Center needs and budget for the next commission meeting.

In the agenda`s Department Head Announcement Section, Fire Chief Robinson reported that he recently attended a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) meeting in Bronson which articulated how municipalities may request possible funds to repay these entities for their heavy equipment rental, construction needs, and debris clean up necessitated by Tropical Storm Debby.

Further Robinson reported that the Cedar Key Emergency Plan has not yet been officially adopted; he will finalize it and forward it to each commissioner. Robinson thanked his colleagues in Williston and other nearby cities who called him with assistance during the tropical storm. Robinson further requested that a letter to the Levy County Commission be written in support of a countywide meeting with county and municipal fire departments to clarify information regarding future plans for the county`s fire departments; currently, Robinson reported, information coming to fire chiefs and other personnel is inconsistent. Attorney Fugate will draft the letter and forward it to the Cedar Key Commissioners.

In the agenda`s Commission Comments Section, Commissioner Dennison requested that Attorney Fugate research property liens for debts not paid to the city. The request was approved.