Cedar Key News



Jean Rigg

Before turning to the prepared agenda for the August 21 regular monthly City Commission meeting, Mayor Gene Hodges announced that recently-elected Commissioner Dave Feigin has resigned.

After consultation with City Attorney Norm Fugate, Mayor Hodges announced that the remaining commissioners are empowered to appoint an individual to fill Feigin`s Seat #4 until the next city election in May 2013, an interim term of eight months.

Whoever the commissioners appoint may or may not choose to run in the next city-wide election to fill the balance of Feigin`s two-year term, expiring in May 2014.

After Mayor Hodges learned of Commissioner Feigin`s resignation, he sounded out several former city commissioners, some of whom were willing to be considered for the interim position and some who were not interested in returning to the commission.

Current Commissioners Sue Colson, Scott Dennison (participating by phone), and Dale Register recommended that they not act until the next City Commission meeting on September 18, in order to give qualified citizens an opportunity to be considered for the appointment.

To be qualified, a candidate must be a Cedar Key resident and a registered voter. To be considered, candidates must let City Clerk Frances Hodges know of their interest no later than five days before the September 18 meeting (that is, by Thursday, September 13).

In preparation for the September 18 meeting, each of the four remaining commissioners will select one individual from the City Clerk`s list, to form a slate of up to four individuals from which the commissioners will appoint the replacement commissioner.