Cedar Key News


Why I Am Resigning My Commissioner Seat

David Feigin

To the Editor,

I am writing this to you and the citizens of Cedar Key to explain why I had the very difficult decision to resign my Commissioner seat. Since 2010 we have searched for an employee who would be able to work for us. Several have come, some left on their own(it is a bit warm in the pizza shop), others we had to ask to leave. I truely thought that this would work, but it hasn`t yet. I have to take care of our business first.

I do not take on a job that I cannot give my 100% attention. There were some folks who said to skip the budget workshops etc, just show up for the final vote. I could not do that. The people of this community deserve better and they will find better. They should receive the best and receive the best from their commissioners, they deserve no less than that.

Lastly, I wish to appologize to the City Commissioners, City employees and everyone else. I am truely sorry, I have let down everyone that put so much faith in me.

David Feigin