Cedar Key News


Al Macri, announces candidacy for Levy County Commissioner, District 3

Al Macri

I am Al Macri, and I am running for Levy County Commissioner, District 3. I live in Morriston with my wife Etter Brooks Macri.

I own an electronics services and a liquidation business. I have been active in my community and have been a part of the firefighter unit in Williston, Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, and Lion`s Club, also a former board member of Wildlife Rescue.

I served in the Air Force and received an honorable discharge.
My goals are to keep taxes down, be prepared to make tough decisions, and put a stop to unnecessary spending, and would like to see a more business- like approach taken by county government.

I am committed to protect your property rights, to preserve our natural resources and environment and work every day for you, the citizens and taxpayers. Some concerns are: improve the county roads, recreation activities for our citizens, make sure our county Fire, EMS, Sheriff, and Public Safety Departments have the proper equipment to do their jobs safely.

I would like to see environmentally clean industry and high tech jobs come to Levy County so we can employ more of our citizens.

I believe I can be a fair and understanding County Commissioner. There will be no promises that I will make, but to perform to the best of my ability within the budget.

Thank you for your vote and support on November 6th.

Al Macri