Cedar Key News



Donna Beach

The Cedar Key Community Food Pantry is launching its annual Holiday fund drive to help provide for the needs of the food insecure in our area, not only during the holidays, but all year long.

The Food Pantry is beginning the eleventh year of operations, and with recent economic woes, has expanded from serving just a few to helping over 40 families, or approximately 100 individuals, per week. Donna Beach, a volunteer who manages the daily operations, describes the clientele as varied. "There are families who have recently lost a job, single parent households whose part-time jobs do not provide enough to feed the family, and a significant number of elderly, trying to stretch a social security check."

The Food Pantry does not supply all that a family needs for the week, but helps bridge the gap that they cannot afford. Some people visit the pantry only once; others may come several times until they are able to provide more for their own needs.

The Food Pantry is supported entirely by donations from individuals, churches, organizations, school groups, clubs and volunteers - a true community effort. Importantly, 100% of all donations stay in the community and are used exclusively for the benefit of people in Cedar Key. All of the operations and management of the Pantry are performed at no cost by volunteers.

Food drives and fund-raising events are important sources of support, and cash donations go a long way. The Pantry receives some surplus supplies from USDA at no cost. Most food, however, is purchased from the Regional Food Bank - the Bread of the Mighty - in Gainesville for an average of $.18 per pound. Clients of the Pantry are given a sheet listing which items they are eligible to receive that week. The Pantry spends about $3.00 per person per week.

Donations throughout the year are sporadic, and at one point this summer, there was less than a two-week margin in the bank account. The hope is that end of the year giving will help provide a more comfortable cushion for the months going forward. If you would like to help, food donations can be brought to the pantry during operating hours on Thursdays from 3:00 - 4:30, or a tax-deductible check can be brought to the Food Pantry, or mailed to P.O. Box 338, Cedar Key, Fl. 32625. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated!