Cedar Key News


Make a bowl for Empty Bowls event

Amy Gernhardt

The annual fundraiser for the Cedar Key food pantry will receive a big boost when local people meet at the Cedar Key Arts Center on December 10th to make objects for Christmas. Holiday Mini Projects Party will be held from 1-5 p.m.

At that time there will be an opportunity to make a clay bowl for donation to the Empty Bowls event.

The soup supper was begun in Michigan, and now is a nationwide event. The story is that we can learn to feed each other, in a small community sense.
The bowls will be glazed and fired, and will be given away for a contribution to the food pantry at the soup supper to be held in January. All participants will get a bowl of soup, also made by a local person to share. The event is tentatively set for the Methodist Church in Cedar Key.

In the event one cannot attend the soup supper, donations can be sent to P.O. Box 338, Cedar Key, 32625.