Cedar Key News



Submitted by Donna Kreft Thalacker and Joyce Dehaan, Cedar Key

January 21, 2013 - Pegeen Hanrahan, Campaign Manager for the Florida Water and Land Legacy, spoke to a group at the Cedar Key Library on Saturday, January 19. She informed the interested listeners of the need to collect 680,000 petition signatures before next December in order to place a water and land conservation amendment on Florida`s November 2014 ballet.

If adopted, the proposed amendment would secure long term funding to protect important Florida streams, wetlands, forests, and beaches by allocating 33% of existing documentary stamp tax revenue.

Ms. Hanrahan stressed that the proposed amendment is not a new tax and will not increase anyone`s taxes. The amendment would assure that the allocated funds could not be diverted to any purpose other than Florida`s land and water preservation. The proposed amendment would provide protection for 20 years.

State trust funds historically allocated to protecting and restoring critical conservation efforts will run dry unless voters pass the Water and Land Conservation Amendment. For 20 years, state revenues from real estate transactions have been directed to protecting our precious natural resources; however, since 2009 the Florida legislature has slashed funding for conservation programs by 97.5%

In order for the water and land conservation amendment to be placed on the next ballet, proponents must collect signatures of 680,000 registered voters by November 30, 2013. If the petition drive is successful, the amendment will be placed on the ballot in November 2014. For the amendment to pass on Election Day 2014, 60% of voters must vote in favor of the amendment.

Volunteers are NEEDED to gather signatures at events, festivals and parks and other places. Ms. Hanrahan emphasized that 80 % of signed petitions come from this type of personal effort. Financial donations are also accepted. Please call Doug Maple at 352-949-1995 or Pegeen Hanrahan at 352-665-5939 for more information or if you wish to help in gathering signatures.