Cedar Key News



by CKN Staff Reporter

The full commission was present at Tuesday`s meeting; four items were discussed.


First, commissioners agreed to renew its flood insurance for municipal buildings.


Second, commissioners unanimously approved Lion Club member Jenny Pinto`s request to waive the Cedar Key Community Center rental fee for the March 7, 2013, Pasta Clam Dinner, co-sponsored by the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association, City of Cedar Key, Lions Club, Eagles, and the Community Relief Fund under the supervision of the Episcopal Church. The event`s proceeds will help purchase gas cards that will allow Cedar Key residents to travel to Gainesville to seek needed medical treatment or to visit family members there receiving medical treatment.


Third, Commissioner Dale Register, currently seated in Commission Seat Four, now open for a two-year period, announced that he would run for the Commission Seat Three, currently occupied by Heath Davis, but open only for a one-year period.


Fourth, the engineering firm of CHW presented its 30% conceptual design of the State Rd24 sidewalk project. It contained a recap of the recent SR24 workshop, projected costs, FDOT deadlines for the project, typical cross section detail, and possible sidewalk and crosswalks locations.

This presentation by CHW can currently be found in the article on the Cedar Key News website titled "SR24 SIDEWALK & SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS: MORE DISCUSSION AND ANSWERS NEEDED." ( http://cedarkeynews.com/index.php?PageID=6333 )

The CHW presentation shows the sidewalk extending from the #3 bridge to the #4 bridge and switching from the west side of SR24 to the east side and then back to the west side. Pedestrians would be required to cross SR24 at three different points, using crosswalks, to reach the downtown area. The placing of part of the sidewalk on east side instead of the west side of SR24 was intended to eliminate the need of obtaining easements and property owners consent. The design showed required retaining walls at various points on the east side. A 42" high aluminum guard rail, similar to those currently used on the #3 bridge, may also be required where a drop off into the marsh exists. The cost of the project was also discussed and, as presented, the project was estimated to be 62% over budget.

After the presentation by CHW, residents in the audience voiced their comments. Concerns and questions raised by the speakers included: safety issues of the crosswalks, cost of the project being disproportionate to the need or probable use beyond Sunset Point Drive, and the location of the sidewalk on the east side of SR24 when all the residents and businesses are located on the west side. The elimination of the sidewalk between the Sunset Isle RV Park and the #4 bridge was suggested. A shoulder, paved or unpaved, which meets the requirement for a pedestrian way was also proffered for the area beyond Sunset Point Drive.

After audience participation, the commission discussed optional design possibilities and consulted with CHW. The end result was a vote to authorize CHW to prepare another design, showing the sidewalk located entirely along the west side and submit this new plan, along with their plan as presented as an alternate, to the FDOT. The motion also directed CHW to explore further the possibility of obtaining the easements and property owner`s consent to place the sidewalk on the west side of SR24. The sidewalk on the west side then could be constructed northward from the #3 bridge, continuing construction until the money runs out. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.