Cedar Key News


CEE Meeting March 21, 7 PM

Drollene P. Brown, CEE Representative

Voter registration and fair voting laws will be the main topic of discussion when Citizens for an Engaged Electorate meet on Thursday, March. 21, at 7 p.m. at the Williston Community Center (just behind Walgreen`s).

Also on the agenda is CEE`s role in gathering signatures for a state constitutional amendment on water and land use in Florida. So far the group has collected and sent 105 signatures to Florida Water and Land Legacy headquarters in Tallahassee. The amendment benefits everyone in north central Florida, not just recreationists who enjoy fishing, snorkeling, swimming, boating, hunting and hiking, but also folks who own working farms and ranches. The petition asks for an amendment to the Florida Constitution to restore to the budget funding for maintenance and restoration of lands and waterways. Rather than raising taxes, this amendment calls for 33 percent of the documentary stamp revenue to be used for the funding, an amount that both Democrats and Republicans historically approved until 2009.

Other discussions will include ongoing activities of the group:
Move to Amend-participating in the grass roots movement to pass an amendment stating corporations and other entities are not people and money is not speech.

Saving the U.S. Post Office from privatization -urging U.S. legislators to drop the 2006 law that requires the USPS to fund retirement benefits for 75 years into the future.
Voting activities-getting out the vote for 2014.

Anyone with questions may call (352) 465-4862 or e-mail citizensengaged2012@gmail.com.
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