Cedar Key News


Cedar Key Library Programs

By Molly Jubitz, Cedar Key Library

Hello All:

Wasn`t last week`s program informative and a lot of fun? This week, we have two more fabulous programs planned, and we do hope you`ll plan to attend. You won`t be disappointed.

On Thursday, March 21 at 5 p.m., Dr. James A Hunt, professor emeritus of Whitworth University in Spokane, WA, will talk about his new book, Restless Fires: Young John Muir`s Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf in 1867-68. Hunt bases his book about Muir`s travels as a young man on Muir`s own diaries and published accounts of his journey. Hunt did some of his research here in Cedar Key and in our library, so we feel a special kinship with him and his project. The book is a delightful read and brings great clarity to Muir`s life and development.

Dr. Hunt will have copies of the book for sale and signing, and he`s a wonderful story teller. We know you`ll enjoy his presentation thoroughly. The following is a link to the book and to Dr. Hunt`s back ground: http://www.johnmuir-restlessfires.com/

On Saturday, March 23 at 1 p.m., we`ll have our annual update on the archaeological project on the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge by Dr. Ken Sassaman of UF, the head of the project. Dr. Sassaman`s program always is exciting and vibrant, as he brings to life the ancient people who inhabited our coastline area. Here is a link to Dr. Sassaman: http://www.anthro.ufl.edu/faculty/Sassaman.shtml

Please note: this program will take place at the Community Center at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

We hope to see you at each of these programs. And, again, thank you for your support of our library.

Molly Jubitz, Manager
Cedar Key Public Library