Cedar Key News



by CKN Staff Reporter

Each third Wednesday of the month from 10AM until 2PM, the Workforce Connection parks its mobile resource van at 460 Second Street in front of the Cedar Key Library and invites all individuals seeking employment and career assistance to enter and avail themselves of the Workforce`s services. The goal of this non-profit organization is to connect employers with qualified job candidates in Florida`s Citrus, Levy, and Marion counties. Services include professional and technical recruitment, training, job fairs, and financial incentives. Do visit the van when it visits again on April 17, 2013.

Photos courtesy of Workforce Connection.

Mobile Unit-1 Kevin Harrison, mobile customer service coordinator (right), shows off the Mobile Resource Unit to Anita Williams and Iris Pozo, career specialists with Workforce Connection.

Mobile Unit-2 Anita Williams, left, formerly with Workforce Connection’s one-stop resource center in Chiefland, and Iris Pozo, a career specialist, try out the fully-equipped computer stations aboard the climate-controlled Mobile Resource Unit.

MRU Vets Day Dwayne Gross, Levy County local veterans employment representative (LVER), and Kevin Harrison, mobile customer service coordinator, with the Mobile Resource Unit during the Veterans Day Parade in November 2012 in Williston.