Cedar Key News


April Shows at the Arts Center

Cedar Key Arts Center

The lovely and talented Amy Gernhardt will bring her first solo exhibit to the Cedar Key Arts Center. The opening will be on Saturday April 6, from 4 - 6 pm and will run through April 28th Titled, "Woman`s Work", the show is a response to an old friend, Kathleen Tuck, who before she passed away had suggested that theme. The variety of work will range from lighthouses to teapots, with a grouping of masks. The first show of masks were a hit at the Old Florida Celebration of the Arts 2011 show.

Amy prides herself on being Henry Gernhardt`s student, because she feels she learns so much from him, but he also gives her the freedom to find her own style.

Additionally in the Member`s Art Gallery, you will see a collection of photos from the Artist in Residence Program. This new program was the brain child of Peter Klocksien. A donor had given money to the Arts Center for Photography. Bob Firth, from Minnesota, came to our area and stayed at the Seahorse Key for one week, then at the Gernhardt`s for one week, and he traveled daily to photograph this area. It is a chance to see Cedar Key through his eyes.

A portion of the sales will be donated to the future Artist in Residence Program.

Also in the MAG this month is Ann Kamzelski and students from her Photography workshop.
The show will be images representing things learned at her Photoshop Elements class on Preparing Images for printing. This class showed students how to resize images and do simple edits to improve composition, color and brightness. Two of the students will be hanging photographs and Ann will also include some to demonstrate the "before" and "after" of the photograph that is displayed.


Photo by Ann Kamzelski

Ann Kamzelski's "Birds in Flight"