Cedar Key News



by CKN Staff Reporter

At 6PM on March 19, 2013, the Cedar Key Commissioners met, except for Mayor Gene Hodges who was in the hospital awaiting open heart surgery the following morning. Vice-mayor Dale Register presided for the evening.


Commissioners directed City Clerk Frances Hodges not to pay the recently received invoice from CHW, the Gainesville engineering firm working on the State Road 24 pedestrian pathway, for services rendered thus far. Attorney Norm Fugate reported that the contract with CHW makes it clear that if the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) does not pay Cedar Key, then CHW will not get paid. Commissioners directed Police Chief Interim Public Works Director Virgil Sandlin to contact CHW with their decision not to pay the invoice until the reimbursement resolution with FDOT is passed and adopted by the City of Cedar Key.

Minutes from the following four meetings were unanimously approved: January 8, February 5, February 13, and March 5, 2013.


Attorney Fugate reported communicating with Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Attorney McPherson about possible mishaps in their election of new district board members. Understood was the fact that should any Water and Sewer District election mishap occur, the City of Cedar Key would not be financially liable.


Fire Chief Interim Building Department Manager Robert Robinson reported on two grants. The first, a fire service 50%-50% grant, will be used for hoses and other necessary supplies. The second, a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant, has been received and will pay for air packs and a cascade system upgrade. All monies needed to match these grant funds are currently in Chief Robinson`s Fire Department budget.

Commissioners unanimously agreed to retroactively pay Chief Robinson for his Building Department management duties at the past Public Works Director rate of $17.31 per hour for ten hours per week. Funds will be taken from the budgeted, but unused, city administrator position line item.


Updating the commission on the State Road 24 pedestrian pathway project, Chief Sandlin reported on his recent meeting on 13 March 2013 and additional written correspondence with FDOT and CHW. CHW reported to FDOT the City of Cedar Key`s preferences that: the sidewalk be on the west side SR24; pedestrian and bike traffic safety between Bridge Number Three and Sunset Point Road remain the priority; the sidewalk need not be a full 11 feet from the road pavement edge. Chief Sandlin reported that CHW will be at the next city meeting, will have spoken to FDOT`s Jordon Green, and will be ready to report regarding: Green`s investigation into the shortage of right-of-way and funding; other options by which to move forward.

Other items in the 13 March 2013 meeting minutes from CHW included FDOT requesting CHW to provide copies of the easements that were created for the proposed water line along SR24, to identify the impacts to the wetland if the sidewalk were to be located on the east side, also that if FDOT moves forward with acquiring right-of way, the project cannot be done under the current schedule or with the current funding and that if the agreement between the city and FDOT is due to expire before the additional activities are complete, the agreement can be extended.

Chief Sandlin further reported that the Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) boat ramp project is ready to commence. Commissioner Scott Dennison noted that Cabot Construction, Inc.`s (CCI) bid performance bonds were just issued Monday of this week, and the city has not had time to investigate the bonds. Attorney Fugate responded that the investigative task would take several days.

Mike O`Dell`s Marina lease was extended for a year. Lessees waiting for possible federal grant funding to assist in rebuilding their docks were advised by commissioners, that to the best of their knowledge, to expect little or no federal assistance.

Commissioner Sue Colson reported the city`s application for a 75% Clean Vessel Grant. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service Clean Vessel Act Grant Program provides grant funds to the states, the District of Columbia, and insular areas for the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of pump out stations and waste reception facilities for recreational boaters and also for educational programs that inform boaters of the importance of proper disposal of their sewage. The remaining 25% funding will be taken from the city`s Marina fund.

Chief Sandlin began extensive discussion about mobile vendors in town. Sandlin referenced a 2011 memorandum from former City Attorney David Coffey`s office regarding "transient" mobile vendors; Attorney Fugate allowed how the issue of "mobile vendors" was a larger issue. Cedar Key Paddling`s Daniel Smith, already on the city`s waiting list of leasable space, explained to commissioners about his business. Various difficulties with mobile vendors, their licensure, health and fire inspections, their competition with established businesses which maintain structures, etc. were entertained. Commissioner Heath Davis suggested that the commission do nothing; instead, should mobile vendors wish to do business; they are to be referred to the commissioners. If such vendors do business on private property, they will be made to adhere to all the Cedar Key building and fire regulations and laws.


In celebration of National Arbor Day, April 26 this year, Commissioner Colson is leading various efforts. One such task is shared with resident Malcolm Cox who will check upon the status of the island`s heritage trees which were initially identified in 2008. Another such task is the request of all residents to purchase a tree and plant it on their property with care: checking for above-ground electrical and telephone lines, below-ground water lines and cables of various sorts, and selecting a planting place that will allow the tree the space and sun it needs to flourish. These tasks are being helped through the efforts of the City of Cedar Key Water Board, the Aquaculture Association and hopefully many local citizens.

The Cemetery Point Park plantings have begun under the careful care of the Cedar Key Garden Club members and President Roger McDaniels. Some 38 shrubs and trees have been planted thus far.

Commissioner Dennison agreed to become the Cedar Key contact with St. Marks city officials as they occasionally meet to discuss Community Rating System and the Florida National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood map changes.

The commission adjourned at approximately 8PM.