Cedar Key News


Shark News 4/5 (Part 1)

Shark Correspondents

Sharks Return from Successful Ornamental Horticulture Competition

Sarah Bartholemy, Shark Correspondent

Last Wednesday, Cedar Key FFA participated in the Ornamental Horticulture contest. The chapter consisted of eight competition teams:

High School- Lauren Bartholemy and Laia Gore in Consumer Use, 2nd Place Mikayla Pope in Artistic Arrangement, 3rd Place Caitlin Goss in Marketing, 1st Place Sarah Bartholemy and Taryn Epperson in Production, 3rd Place.

Middle School- Cassie Lozier and Kevin Mansingh in Production, 2nd Place MacKenzie Kirkbride and Savannah Howard in Consumer Use, 1st place Emily Lavoie and Nathaneal Brinkman in Artistic Arrangement, 1st Place Hannah Brinkman and Terra Dunn in Marketing, 3rd place winner and FFA President Lauren Bartholemy said; "The teams did such a great job. I`m so happy that we all put so much work into our projects. I am looking forward to state and to seeing what Cedar Key can do."

Sharks Prepare to End their Season with a Bang

By Molly Gordon-Tysinger, Shark Correspondent

After a long season filled with hard work and determination, baseball for the Sharks is coming to a stopping point. The boys, and girl, arrived to the field Monday night ready to show the Bronson Eagles how much they have improved since their last meeting in Bronson. Unfortunately, the team didn`t pull through with a victory, final score: 8-2 this time around. Although the Sharks still have one regular season game left, they feel there are still improvements to be made.
Their plan: come back after spring break and defeat the Meadowbrook Mustangs and end the season with a BANG!