Cedar Key News


Pirates to get Hot, Hot, Hot!

Submitted by CKPP Correspondent

Fire Twirler Scorch Chastain will perform for the Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise and their guests at the Big Deck Raw Bar on Dock Street. Scorch will blaze into town to entertain at the Pirate`s May 6th meet and eat.

Scorch, who when he`s not thrilling folks with his fire act, is Battalion Chief James Chastain of Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. He is a frequent visitor to our island and an honorary Cedar Key Pirate.

The Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise Sunset Celebration is May 6th at 6:00 pm. The potluck theme is Seis de Mayo and Mexican style food. Scorch will perform after the sun sets.

The Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise meet and eat on the first Monday of each month to plot how they will "Plunder with a Purpose and Plunder for a Cause." Anyone can be a Pirate. You need only have a desire to do positive things in our community and have fun doing it.