Cedar Key News



by CKN Staff Reporter

The not-for-profit Cedar Key Historical Society is currently seeking an executive director. In addition to the regular duties of an executive director, such as budgeting, fund raising, long-range planning, communicating, and regularly informing the Museum Board, the individual hired will perform a host of interesting functions. The full job description may be found at http://www.cedarkeymuseum.com, (not .org).

The most important function of the new executive director is providing leadership in forwarding the museum`s mission: "to encourage and foster interest in the history of the Cedar Keys" and "to act as a steward of the surrounding area, preserving its rich heritage." Knowledge of the Cedar Keys and dedication to enhancing that rich knowledge through museum activities and dynamic communications appear a must upon reading the published job description. A fine abbreviated history of museum`s advent may be found on the http://www.cedarkeymuseum.com website under the "About Us" tab; written by Dr. John Andrews, this piece cites many individuals the reader will recognize who performed critical actions in the creation of the museum.

Another such interesting function relates to volunteers. As the museum is a continually growing and changing organization with history in the making every day around it, this individual will be responsible to maximize the volunteer base and to recruit, train, and enthuse these individuals, a huge and rewarding opportunity to interact with the community.

Communication, with everything that that entails in the year 2013, is another intriguing function. Opportunities to update and further form the organization`s website and Facebook page await the hired person`s imprint. Networking with affiliated organizations, locally and regionally, further awaits development.

Hopefully, the Historical Society will find an energetic, dedicated, talented individual to further forward the fine, well-recognized museum the community currently has. Many fine opportunities exist in the position; many fine community connections are already devoted to the museum`s continued success. Artist Polly Pillsbury`s vision, initiated in the 1970`s, of creating a Cedar Key Historical Museum began with residents selling cupcakes to fundraise to finally becoming the award-winning museum that it is.

Persons interested in the position should contact Cedar Key Historical Society Board Vice-President Heath Davis at 352 543 5450.