Cedar Key News


Meet the Pirates: Mol de Libros the Pirate Librarian

Submitted by CKPP Correspondent

This Cedar Key pirate is equally as comfortable writing haiku and reading great works of literature as she is rifling and looting. When she dons her tricorn pirate hat fringed with colorful tropical flowers, Molly Jubitz the mild mannered manager of the Cedar Key Library assumes the nom de guerre Mol de Libros.

Mol, a founding member of the Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise, is a strident advocate of the children in Cedar Key. She uses her considerable pirate charm and charisma to direct the interest of her fellow pirates to always consider children first when they are plotting and planning where to direct their charitable efforts.

Ms. de Libros has recently shanghaied Lisa Brasher the Director of the Levy County library System to assist her to hold a children`s reading event at the Cedar Key Library during the Cedar Key Pirate Invasion Weekend September 13-15, 2013.

The next time you are in the library ask Molly what her favorite letter is. It should not surprise you if she replies, "ARRR!"