Cedar Key News


Living History Will Be Presented at Levy County Quilt Musuem

Staff Writer

The Levy County Genealogy Society will present a living history presentation at the Levy County Quilt Museum on Sunday, July 20, 2003 at 2 PM. Society member, Toni Collins, will portray Maria Tresper, a Levy County woman who witnessed many of the local events which occurred during the Civil War.

Collins, who appears in period costume, will read from a diary compiled from the probate, civil and land records of Levy and Columbia counties. The presentation, most of which is factual, has a few embellishments added for interest. However, the events recounted paint a vivid picture of the hardships which faced the residents of Levy County from 1861 to 1865.

The Levy County Quilt Museum is located on 11050 NW 10th Avenue, one mile north of US 27 A in Levyville, halfway between Bronson and Chiefland. Presentations of the Society are free and the public is cordially invited to attend.

Refreshments will be served following the presentation.

For more information please call: Earlean Sheffield,
528-2124; Cindy Jo Ayers, 486-2312; Wilhena Wilson,493-4849; or Dix Stephens, 447-2966.

Maria Tresper, wife of George Tresper, a wealthy planter who lived at Clay Landing in the 1850s, will come alive at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Pictured above is Toni Collins who portrays Maria and recounts what the Tresper`s lives were like during the American Civil War.