Cedar Key News


Levy County History

Toni Collins

135 years ago

The Florida State Journals confirm the election of the following persons to serve as Levy County Collector of Revenue (Tax Collector) for the period 1868 to 1889: John Tyer, 1868 - 1873; Isaac P. Hardee, 1873 - 1877; J.C. McGrew, 1877 - 1881; J. Ira Gore, 1881 - 1885; James Stephens, 1885 - 1887; and W.H. Anderson, 1887 - 1889.

118 years ago

10 February 1885 - The Florida Legislature passed an act to provide an annuity for disabled soldiers and sailors of the State of Florida. Each and every soldier and sailor who enlisted in any company or regiment or who may have served in the navy from the State during the late war (the Civil War) and who are residents shall be paid five dollars per month. The soldier or sailor must produce to the Board of County Commissioners of the county in which he lives, satisfaction that the pension is necessary for his support and maintenance. A pension board consisting of the Governor, Comptroller and Adjutant-General of the State shall determine those qualified to receive such annuity.

58 years ago

05 September 1944 - The Cedar Key State Bank, the county depository, acting as depository for the County Commissioners and Levy County filed a bank statement showing the balance on hand to the credit of the county and under the control of the County Commissioners in the total sum of $31,805.10, as of August 31st, 1944.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court