2024 jANUARY 18
WHO: A fun, educational and public art trail throughout Cedar Key and its surrounding area (in the future) is being developed with funding from the Levy County Visitors Bureau and support of the City of Cedar Key, University of Florida/IFAS, Cedar Key Aquaculture Association, and Cedar Key Art Center. Currently, six fiberglass clam sculptures are being manufactured by IconPoly (see https://iconpolystudio.com/). Each clam will have a fact plaque with information about the clam’s ecological and economic benefits to our coastal waters and will recognize the theme of the clam, artist, and sponsors.
WHERE: Four of the clam sculptures will be located at City properties: 1) City Hall (new), 2) Chamber of Commerce, 3) City Park, and 4) Cemetery Point Park. Other locations are the UF Nature Coast Biological Station and Cedar Key School.
WHAT: Dimensions of clam sculpture are: 4’ x 3’ x 1.5’ in thickness (depth). Each will be placed on a fiberglass pedestal about 6-8” in height and 3 feet in width (see oyster sculpture). The outside of the clam shell will be painted by the Cedar Key Arts Center using natural color tones.
WHERE: Four of the clam sculptures will be located at City properties: 1) City Hall (new), 2) Chamber of Commerce, 3) City Park, and 4) Cemetery Point Park. Other locations are the UF Nature Coast Biological Station and Cedar Key School.
WHAT: Dimensions of clam sculpture are: 4’ x 3’ x 1.5’ in thickness (depth). Each will be placed on a fiberglass pedestal about 6-8” in height and 3 feet in width (see oyster sculpture). The outside of the clam shell will be painted by the Cedar Key Arts Center using natural color tones.
The inside of the clam shell will be decorated by local artists with these suggested themes for City locations: 1) natural, 2) Native Americans and shell middens (mounds), 3) coastal environment and marine life, and 4) work skiff with baskets of clams. Acrylic paint is to be used.
WHEN: If you are interested, submit a sketch of one or more of the themes listed above along with your contact information to the Cedar Key Arts Center, P.O. Box 949, Cedar Key, FL 32625 by February 29, 2024. Sculptures are to arrive in Cedar Key sometime in late March and selected artists are expected to begin work then and complete within 30 days. An honorarium of $400 will be provided to each artist.