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July 16, 2019

At the July 16, 2019, Cedar Key City Commission Meeting, Mayor Heath Davis and the commissioners took time to recognize resident Mendy Allen for generously volunteering her time, expertise, and energy to the City of Cedar Key for the past several years.

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Ms. Allen currently serves as coordinator at the University of Florida’s Institute for Food and Agricultural Services Advancement Office coordinating Corporate Relations and Community Outreach. Her mission there is to foster essential relationships and secure private support to advance the UF/IFAS land-grant mission.

Mayor Davis lauded Allen’s activities for and with the city. Allen has been integrally involved in assisting with city events and activities since she arrived on the island when the Nature Coast Biological Station first arrived. Allen has, most recently, functioned as a prime mover in the relighting of the Seahorse Key Light Station. She was instrumental in the Smithsonian’s coming to Cedar Key with its Crossroads Exhibit. Allen has functioned as amanuensis at the Cedar Key Mayor’s Business Forum and last month’s Town Forum.

Davis presented Allen with a certificate of appreciation and a bouquet of flowers was presented my Vice-Mayor Sue Colson. Allen received appreciative applause from the commission and the audience.
