Pet Sitting Bottom
November 8, 2021
The Cedar Key Water and Sewer District met Monday evening, November 8, 2021, and declared direction on several important issues.
Attempting to gain clarity from board members, Chairman Steve Rosenthal polled the panel as to their preferences in moving ahead on the needed new water plant.
Options included:
• Furthering the plans from Mittauer Engineering to pursue funding for and constructing a 12-to-14-million-dollar plant. Thus far, the public knows that this potential plant is complex, may well need at least one operator to tend it, and pulls water from the Cedar Key well area about 2 1/2 miles up State Road 24. Currently, Mittauer has done preliminary design work on the project, but the CKWSD has not signed a contract and owes the engineering firm no money.

• Aggressively investigating funding and the viability of piping water to Cedar Key from Suwannee River Management District controlled wells in Chiefland or Bronson. Thus far, the public knows that this water is "good" water and has no cost.

• Refurbishing the currently old and stressed water plant so that it would endure for the three or four years it will take to either build a new plant or to construct a pipeline. The approximate cost nears four million dollars.
Four water board members expressed the desire to refurbish the old as quickly as possible, then to aggressively investigate the funding and the viability of a pipeline from inland, while holding on Mittauer, for now. The motion passed unanimously.
Cedar Key Vice-Mayor Sue Colson spoke to the issue. She:
• reminded all those dollars are available now, so time is of the essence;

• explained that working with other municipalities and unincorporated areas in Levy County who might benefit from a pipeline is a more effective political strategy for amassing dollars than working singularly for some 650 Cedar Key residents alone;

• working cohesively, excitedly, assertively, and energetically, as a county-wide group is necessary to gain the attention of Suwannee River Management District and state legislators to access dollars;
• taking to the funding sources "shovel ready" projects;

• believes that the CKWSD will not be able to pay for the infrastructure needs it has and will continue to have; there simply is not enough money in a 650 household community; it needs these alternative funding sources.
General Manager Chad Wisdom is requesting from the Florida House of Representatives funding for the rehabilitation of the district's aging and lift stations.
Last week, Wisdom also requested $85,000 of the City of Cedar Keys federal funding from the Covid Relief Act fund that totals $361,000. The $85,000 is one third of the cost of refurbishing the wastewater aeration basin where the concrete structure has deteriorated.
Thanks to the hard work, diligence, and of CKWSD Counsel, John McPherson, Cedar key Fire Chief Robert Robinson, resident Steve Priessman, and a host of others, Verizon has completed its equipment set-up on the CKWSD water tower. Residents report strong cell coverage.
In case of emergencies, the Cedar Key School is now able to communicate with fire rescue, first responders, etc. Before this Verizon installation, communication within, into, and out of the school was not possible.
Because of the increased vaccination and booster rates, board members approved returning their meetings to the CKWSD offices on Third Street.