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2024 October 17
The Waccasassa Water and Wastewater Cooperative, the W3C, met in Otter Creek, Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 1 pm.
Chair Robert Partin asked Mayor Colson to update the W3C group about the status of Cedar Key after the hurricanes. Colson articulated much detail about the preplanning efforts that made the disaster less disastrous and the ongoing work thereafter:
• working closely with the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District, providing portable toilets, washrooms, showers, and laundry facilities shortly after Hurricane Helene and communicating the status of conditions to the public with alacrity;
• having precontracted debris removal on site within days;
• working closely with local churches to provide water, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all, distributing cleaning supplies, and providing sleeping space on their floors for utility workers on four- or five-day stints on the emergency crews;
• coordinating with other police departments to monitor entry and reentry to the island, prevent looting, enforce curfews, and provide general comfort to residents;
• coordinating volunteers to assure a record, for possible EMA reimbursement, registering each volunteer, and assuring that those residents and businesses needing assistance got precisely what they needed, everything from simple debris pick up to heavy duty machine work; and much, much more.
Chair Partin also asked Cedar Key Water and Sewer District General Manager John Rittenhouse to update the group. Among the plethora of information articulated by Rittenhouse were the following items.
• Two of the most important, helpful elements of resuming water and sewer systems operative were Orange County, out of Santa Rosa, Utilities who, in response to a pre—organized mutual aid agreement, returned to working order the island’s seventeen lift stations. The second factor allowing the restoration of water in Cedar Key was retired General Manger and Superintendent of the CKWSD James McCain.
• Both the water and the wastewater systems are operative. A boil water notice is in effect until testing shows salinity levels decreased, and water normalized. Homes in which plumbing and or electrical lines have been damaged are still without sewer or power services.
• And much, much more.
Dennis Davis, representing Robert Beltran, Dewberry Vice President, presented a PowerPoint explanation of the tasks being performed to date. Little has changed since last month. Davis reported that the group was working on its engineering and developing a pricing structure for users when the project ends.
The full three-member board was in attendance: Chairperson Robert Partin, Bronson Mayor; sitting in for Vice Chair Joe Hand, was Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Board Member Johnathan Ferguson; and Zim Padgett, Otter Creek Councilor.
Waccasassa Water and Wastewater Cooperative Attorney Norm Fugate and Beauchamp’s Sherrie Yost were in attendance.
Among those in attendance were: Cedar Key Mayor Sue Colson, Cedar Key Water and Sewer District General Manager John Rittenhouse and Chair Mike Borrelli, , Economic Development Coordinator for Representative Kat Cammack, Jeannie Rickman, those currently working for were Dewberry Dennis and Scott Wright: , Suwannee River Water Management District Project Manager Kris Eskelin, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:45 pm.
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