Pet Sitting Bottom
29 AUGUST 2024
After the Cedar Key Community Redevelopment Agency met at 5 pm and adjourned ten minutes later, the Cedar Key City Commission met in what its agenda labeled as a “Meeting/Workshop” on Thursday evening, August 29, 2024, at 5:10 pm, in City Hall.
Commissioners in attendance included: Vice-Mayor Nancy Sera, and Commissioners Jim Wortham, Jeff Webb, and Jolie Davis. Mayor Sue Colson attended the latter part of the meeting by telephone.
The agenda heading for the commission gathering dealing with the budget, was noticed as a “meeting/workshop.” The August 8, August 15, and the August 29, 2024, Budget gatherings were also noticed in that fashion.
According to commissioners, legal counsel, and past practice,
• a meeting is where decisions are made;
• a workshop is where decisions may not be made, is where official votes may not be taken, and is intended to further the understanding of a given topic.
Logic, and seemingly legalities overseeing municipalities, dictates that a gathering must be one thing or another.
This evening, Jim Wortham led the first workshop, CRA, which was adjourned after ten minutes, and Jeff Webb commenced and ran the City budget workshop entirely.
Levy County now has a millage rate of over nine. The city has set its rate tentatively at 5.244. Commissioners plan to lower it to the roll back rate of 4.4850, meaning no new taxes for a city with unquestionably rising insurance, building and construction, electricity, water, and connectivity rates.
Again, a clearly detailed budget packet was distributed and available online . Missing on the “Millage Worksheet” was an estimate of how much the various millage rates might impact homeowners.
After a full discussion again on the entire budget, Webb declared his position was to vote, no cost of living raises for staff, though he said he respected and appreciated their work. He called for others’ responses.
As no formal motion was made it is unclear if commissioners knew what a yea or a nay meant. Ultimately, Jeff Webb, Jolie Davis, and Jim Wortham voted to offer staff no cost of living raise this year as their way to balance the budget.
Mayor Sue Colson and Vice-Mayor Nancy Sera, the two commissioners who have worked most closely on a daily basis with staff for years, including through two hurricanes,, vociferously “voted” to give the staff a cost of living raise.
A full-throated effort on the part of Fire Chief / Emergency Operations Manager Robert Robinson and comments from the audience were made. Among the comments were the following.
• Robinson stated that should the COL raise not be approved and he had to hire a new assistant, it would cost the city much more for a replacement than the 3% raise.
• A $4,000 raise for Public Works Supervisor, a raise that McCain himself wished to split up among his staff, remained intact.
• An audience member asked why not raise the millage rate to pay for the cost of living raise for all staff.
• Robinson stressed the fact that current staff works until the work is finished; they do not “clock out” as others do.
• So serious was Mayor Colson, that she offered to give up the Summer Youth Program funds and find a way to fund it with no city funds, to be certain that the cost of living increase would be eventually approved.
• So serious was Vice-Chair Nancy Sera that she suggested raising the millage to cover the cost of living increase.
• Robinson expressed his belief that replacement personal, not even devoted personnel such as those on staff now, would not be available should they be needed.
Webb’s budget presentation showed figures for each department for the past five years. Each department’s personnel budget has increased substantially. Little time was spent investigating why the increases occurred.
No time was spent considering what alternative cost-cutting measures commissioners could make to cover the cost of living raise. The personnel budgets were “bloated,” said Webb, and commissioners would fix it by cutting those budgets, was implied. Both Webb and Davis alluded to the word “values “guiding the budget process; Webb repeated the phrase, “Budget is king.”
No one in the audience argued that the budget needs to be balanced or that the rollback rate may be too low. The suggestions in the room, except those from Webb, Davis, and Wortham, all amounted to finding another way to balance the budget not on the backs of those who provide services to the community. A business license now costs only $30.50, Marina launch fees continue for years to be the lowest for miles around.
Commissioners in attendance included: Vice-Mayor Nancy Sera, and Commissioners Jim Wortham, Jeff Webb, and Jolie Davis. Mayor Sue Colson attended the latter part of the City budget workshop by telephone.
Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Department Chief Edwin Jenkins, Fire Chief/Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson, Public Works Supervisor Jamie McCain, Interim City Clerk/Building Clerk Jennifer Sylvester, and Deputy Clerk Telicia Winfield.

The audience of seven consisted of Doug and Sandy Lindhout, Jeri Treat, Anne Miller, Savanna Barry, and the Cedar Key News’ Mandy and Frank Offerle.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

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