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2024 September 30
Speaking to a room of reporters and locals, Mayor Sue Colson updated the community on the events surrounding the Dock Street Fire.
• The fire personnel was dispatched at 5:29 am on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Some fifty firefighters fought the fire throughout the day.
• Fire Chief Robert Robinson watched over the scene and equipment all Thursday night.DockSt Fire 4480xe
• Debris removal is Colson’s greatest concern now, fearing that the debris, in and about to fall into the water, will foul waters enough to impact clamming.
• Since the press conference, even with calm weather, debris has been found at the outlying areas of Dog Island and North Key.
• In an effort to speed debris removal, Colson was referred to, spoke to, and received permission to remove debris from the premises on Monday, from the Tallahassee fire bureau chief.
• The property owners have been notified that removal of debris will occur on Monday, September 23, 2024, and advised that if insurance personal need to see the area, such a visit must occur before Monday.
• The Trading Post and Steamers are damaged and possibly beyond repair; the Rusty Hook Fishing Shop and what was Duncan’s Restaurant before Hurricane Idalia are lost to the fire.
• Access to Dock Street from First Street and C Street was shut down and reopened Friday.
• State and county officials have been attentive and helpful. Senator Rick Scott, Cat Cammack, and Marco Rubio’s office telephoned. Levy County Commissioners Matt Brooks and Desiree Mills have spent hours in town.
• Fire personnel and equipment from Levy, Citrus, and Dixie counties were on site.
• Cedar Key businesses and residents are working hard to assist those now out of work find work, food, and other assistance. The Cedar Key Food Pantry has an emergency fund set up for such purposes.
• “Cedar Key is resilient,” said Colson. As with hurricanes, we assess our losses, then focus on our strengths and what we can do to help one another.”
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