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2024 March 14
Dear Friends of Cedar Key High School,school ck
The Parent – Teacher Organization is now beginning its community wide Scholarship Fund Drive. The Senior Class of 2024 is proud to be graduating from Cedar Key! We know that you share in their joy.
It’s great to be able to send our young people on their way into the world with our financial support and encouragement. We hope we can count on you to support our students with a donation to the Scholarship Fund. These young adults have big dreams and hopes of higher education. We want them to know that their community is solidly behind them in their academic endeavors.
Make your check payable to “Cedar Key School” and designate it “PTO-Scholarship Fund.” Checks can be dropped off at the school or mailed to us at CKS PTO, 951 Whiddon Ave, Cedar Key, Fl, 32625.
Thank you so much for your support. Your contribution is a most worthwhile investment!
For tax purposes, please note that no goods or services were received in consideration of this gift.
Thank you,
Lisa Custer

Migrant Education Program Advocate/Tutor (A migratory child is a child under the age of 22 without a high school diploma, who moved, either on his/her own or with a parent, guardian or spouse across district/state lines in the last 36 months for the purpose of obtaining/seeking temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture, fishing or food processing activities.)
Cedar Key School

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