Pet Sitting Bottom

I was enjoying listening to the thunder, as it seemed to get closer. Then there were a couple loud strikes on Cedar Key itself. The rain started and it poured. On the front porch, we keep some covered chairs. I went out the front as most of the squalls come from that way. That’s what I thought it was. I removed the adornments from the swing, brought in a valuable lawn chair, and removed the cushions from the others.

I thought I might sit out there and watch the storm. That’s when I realized the storm was coming from the northeast. I ran to the back, as much running as I can do, to check the clothes on the line. Yep, They were soaked. So I let them be and went back inside to enjoy as much of the storm as I could from the inside.

That’s when I turned the TV to the Weather Channel. There was Cedar Key. The nearby radar showed storms all up and down the West Coast, none to the east. I watched two storms come together, one from the south up this way from Inglis, and north, one down this way from Cross City. They joined around Otter Creek and headed right down Route 24 towards Cedar key.

My gut sort of sagged a few more inches and I thought if I had been up, I could have watched this major thunderstorm in person and the two lines of clothing would now be inside and dry. Oh. Well, they’ll wash again and we’ll redry them on the lines today. No real harm.
Anyhow, the intensity of the storm lasted about an hour. I estimate that nearly two inches of rain fell in that hour. It was fun. And I did get my rest and another surge of energy, so that worked, too.

That’s my story from a personal viewpoint of the storm this Tuesday past. What is yours? Why don’t we trade storm stories on your next trip with me as we look for “Trouble in Cedar Key?”
                              Origianlly published 2004 June 9 

  Copyright © by Gene Benedict 2024 June 27 
