Pet Sitting Bottom
Friends gave us the use of their truck and we were able to get a lot of boxes moved by the end of last week. Our new landlords are wonderful and letting us moving over several days really helped us get in without having to suspend some of our normal routines, a fact that helped me personally.
Last weekend friends came to help move the furniture and heavy stuff. They were great and had us moved in less than four hours. They gave up their Saturday morning, a sacrifice that is greatly appreciated, for we know how precious this time is for family and peace of mind. And other good friends brought food; sandwiches and snacks, including deviled eggs and cookies, and some brought us dinners to relieve the strain before our move.
This is the second move since I became so ill. We moved last summer because the Coburn House sold. Our landlords, who owned both houses, let us move to the home nearer to the water so now we have had the privilege of living in both houses the Wadley brothers built. You could almost hear the laughter of children playing back and forth between those homes, smell dinner being cooked and hear the piano and fiddle as folks sang and danced in their own delight of living in Cedar Key.

We love our new home and expect the boxes to melt away shortly. We love that we are only a couple blocks away from our neighbors who have supported us and loved us. We love that we can really settle in this time. We love that we live in Cedar Key where everyone cares and each looks after the other as family. People take time here to visit on the street, to seriously ask how you are doing. This is a community that really knows how to be neighborly. We love you all and we thank you for being our Cedar Key family.
                              Origianlly published 2004 July 14

  Copyright © by Gene Benedict 2024 July 19 
