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2024 March 15
Some sixty conservation-minded Cedar Keyans attended the Florida’s Nature Coast Conservancy’s Annual Meeting on Marh 10, from 4 until 6 pm at the Island Hotel’s Patio. A breezy cloudless, 70-degree day added Cedar Key charm and comfort to theshady event. Mike and Mary Petersen provided music perfectly wonderful to tap toes to and for others, like Tom Deverin and Jeri Treat, to dance. Folks enjoyed Chef Kim Cash’s excellent fare of fruitt, meatballs, cheese, rakers, key lime pie, shrimp.Sam
FNCC President Sam Gibbs spoke briefly about the most rent FNCC endeavors. First, however, she thanked residents Phil and Mary Prescott who have recently donated the estuarine area to the west of their home to FNCC’s care.
Gibbs also spoke of FNCC’s strong partnerships with the University of Florida’s Nature Coast Biological Station and the City of Cedar Key. These grant seeking and gtant receiving alliances have resulted in an extension of the Ling Shoreline efforts that have elongated the lives of G Street, Airport Road, and Joe Rains Beah. Additional Resilience Task Force and Cedar Key SHOReS efforts are underway. FNCC continues its effrts working with the ity on land clearing regulations and their their calculation and offering guidance.
great audience shot
President Gibbs also noted that property management have kept FNCC folks busy, cleaning up fr0m Hurricane Idalia, caring for half-toppled trees, and cleaning debris from the s FNCC’s coastal marsh. Slow, but incremental, refurbishing work is ongoing at the organization’s trailer on Gulf Boulevard.  
If you were in attendance, FNCC folks hoped you enjoyed yourself; FNCC folks certainly enjoyed you.
Petersen duet

 rick thalacker
Sue Greg