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new logo W3C  MET DECEMBER 18 
2024  December 18
The Waccasassa Water and Wastewater Cooperative, the W3C, met in Cedar Key on , Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 1 pm, in the Cedar Key City Hall..

Dewberry Vice President, presented the attached PowerPoint explanation of the tasks being performed to date. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PRESENTATION.
The full three-member board was in attendance: Chairperson Robert Partin, Bronson Mayor; sitting in for Vice Chair Joe Hand, was Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Board Member Johnathan Ferguson; and Zim Padgett, Otter Creek Councilor.

Waccasassa Water and Wastewater Cooperative Attorney Norm Fugate and Beauchamp’s Sherrie Yost were in attendance.

Among those in attendance were: Cedar Key Mayor Sue Colson, Cedar Key Water and Sewer District General Manager John Rittenhouse and Chair Mike Borrelli, Economic Development Coordinator for Representative Kat Cammack, Jeannie Rickman. Suwannee River Water Management District Project Manager Kris Eskelin, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30 pm.

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